How To Iron -
to Improve Quality and Speed
How you iron depends on the garment you're ironing and the fabric it's made of. Different clothes, bedding, curtains and tableware are different shapes and sizes so need to be ironed different ways. Each of these can be made of differing fabrics and each fabric might require different iron settings to be safe.
Unquestionably if you approach each type of garment using the same logical method every time item you'll get better and faster. In this section we'll help you become the best and most efficient ironer you can be.
Use the buscuit trail at the top to navigate through the major topics in this section:
The Basics of Ironing
The Tools You May Need
Irons & Boards
Then to get help ironing almost anything you can use the menu to the left. To view the topics covered in each ironing example click on the "Topics" link or to get step-by-step instruction on ironing simply click on the "Page" link and you'll be taken to the page explaining exacly how to iron that garment (or bedding) type.
You'll also find YouTube videos to help you get best results on almost anything you may wish to iron.